Competition 2009
Recycling City Built Space
Reusing Cities.

Foundational project of Likkid ltd. exploring space recycling possibilities and new ways to fisically build and develop institutions reusing the available space stock..​​​​​​
We consider architectural space, as the background texture  where we as individuals perform our life and therefore institutions and society operate.
Understanding that the contemporary context where we live ” the Liquid modernity in Zygmunt Bauman words", is in a process of increasing liquefaction; our approach when developing projects is to envision and implement spaces that besides fulfilling the requirements and demands of the initial brief,  are ready to accommodate change, being resilient to evolution. Those conditions require to think space in a new way, time responsive, reversible and resilient to evolution, where versatility, flexibility and reversibility are not anymore extra features but key constraints to be considered at early stages of the project.

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